How to Trial operation of three roll mill

Trial operation of three roll mill

Operator who is responsible for this machine should be read this operation manual, and completely understanding, in case of making trouble.

keep the warning and instructions marked clean, do not remove or cover them, Change a new part on time for the damaged warnings and instructions.

Please do not dismantle or override the symbols on the electrical wiring code.

Only in the protection device, which can Keep machine in safe condition , then start working.

Before operation, please keep sure the emergency button is good, upon press"Emergency button"the main motor will be closed.

The machine is working only under the material on the rollers.

Operator should be dealing with problems, occurred fault during operating.

Upon hearing unusual voice, please stop and check on time.

Please keep the machine no working, then Maintain and cleaning.

Preparation before operation

Ø Make sure the motor running at correct direction, and electric action sensitive and correct

Ø Set the roller in loosen condition, turn the belt wheel by hand, clean all the dirt on roller, feeding hopper and outlet blade.

Adjust hydraulic pressure(Start oil pump motor before start main motor)

Ø Turn on power, set rotating valve HV at " loosen" position, start hydraulic pump, check the oil tank general pressure meter with indication at least not more than 7 Mpa. If the pressure is not correct, adjust it at overflow valve over the oil tank.

Ø Checking "mixing" "milling"process, the closed roller pressure is 3Mpa, have a fibe tuning device P2 pressure switch to 2-3 mpa.

Ø Check and adjust baffle pressure to 1.2Mpa

Ø Check and adjust the blade pressure around 1Mpa. Normally it's 0.6Mpa. Or pressure can be decided as material characteristics.

Ø The roller pressure shall set at 5Mpa or based on material characteristics. The roller pressure adjustment range is 1~5.5Mpa;

Ø Set the rotating valve HV at "Loosen" position after finish adjusting pressure, run the hydraulic system several hours, operate the rotating valve several times.

Main motor must keep still during all above operation.

Trial operation

Ø press "stop oil pump" star oil pump, press "leaning", then press "mixing", make medium and slow roller closed, please do not working in no material condition.

Ø put material over than the level of ultrasonic, then star working

Ø Turn on water valve, pour enough cooling water into roller before first time operation. Set the temperature controller at 0℃.Cooling water will enter roller cavity after turn on water valve. Set the temperature as requested in temperature controller after mill operation.

Ø press "stop main motor", operate main motor, checking roller pressure, if possible, please check again.

Ø put into mixed material, press “milling” to “milling”position. Check the roller tightening at same step. Further adjustment is possible by adjusting valve if necessary.

Ø When the mill set at "Tighten" position, outlet hopper oil tank will tighten automatically.

Ø here are material exudation at the both sides of roller when roller set at "Mixing" and "Tightening", it means there is gap between roller shaft shoulder and baffle. Please adjust roller axial position. Adjust the part 5 and 6 in chart 15, so as to make the middle roller and slow roller shaft shoulder face in same surface, that will make hopper baffle fit well with roller shaft shoulder.

Ø Set the ink discharge state when the mill working(see chart) State 3 is best. Ink discharge adjustment is comprehensive, it's not only related with roller pressure, but also with temperature, outlet hopper position and blade edge.

Ø Ultrasound probes is installed over the place of putting material,checking the material level, if the material level is lower than set level, the machine will be stopped, but there is some material on roller, please open by hand, upon finished material then close machine by hand, and keep separate position of rollers in case of working without material.

three roll mill

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This article address : How to Trial operation of three roll mill